2025年4月日本AFF紡織服裝展-Asia Fashion Fair
| 更新時間 2025-01-09 07:00:00 價格 99元 / 件 日本 2025 聯系電話 18913292209 聯系手機 18913292209 聯系人 汪承泳 立即詢價 |
2025年日本AFF紡織服裝展-2025Asia Fashion Fair
主辦單位:日本 AFF 株式會
AFF 展會全稱Asia Fashion Fair,創辦于 2003 年,展會根植中日纖維業界合作的沃土,近二十年一路在專|業化領域的深耕細作,匯聚了中日紡織服裝行業 OEM?ODM 的中堅力量。每年參加AFF 展會的企業對日出口能力,
占每年中國紡織品服裝對日出口總額的20%,是日本舉足輕重的供源,而覆蓋日本全國的專|業買家已將 AFF 作為關鍵采購平臺,更是中日業界對市場走向和產品信息交流的俱樂部。
疫情發生以來,AFF 展會首創“選樣會”模式,通過線上線下結合方式辦展,獲得了業界肯定。為進一步提升參展體驗,AFF 與“網展貿”將共同打造高標準“雙線展”模式。以“展品到場、展商上線、買家在場、即時商洽”的全鏈服務,利用數字技術工具,為展商和買家提供精|準和充分的匹配交流,全面提升參展實效。
2、境外行程和酒店食宿等安排一向優惠合理便捷,得到廣大參展商和商務考察企業單 位的****!
Q: What types of booths are there in the fair? What does a corner booth appear to be? What equipment does a booth have?
A: There are three types of booths, namely standard booth, luxury equipped booth. Standard booths have three options: Type A(three shelves), Type B(mesh), and Type C(six shelves). We consider the area of a standard booth as a unit, and then a specially equipped booth should include at least 3 units. The basic equipment of a standard booth contains fascia board, table & chairs, spotlight, hanging rails, shelves or mesh, cabinet and dusbine.
A corner booth refers to a booth with two sides of opening. Generally, a standard booth has three walls and one side of opening, while a corner booth has two sides opening, which appears to be more open visually and can enforce the exhibiting effect. A corner booth will be charged with an extra fee of $500.
- 電 話:18913292209
- 聯系人:汪承泳
- 手 機:18913292209
- 微 信:18913292209